Press Kit

These guidelines will help you correctly make use of the CTC Plastics brand.


Primary Logo

This is the main CTC Plastics logo. It should be used in this form whenever possible.

Inverted Logo

This is a white version of our primary logo for greater legibility on dark or busy backgrounds.


High-quality photography of CTC’s products are an integral part of our branding.

X-Porter II

X-Treme 4840

X-Treme Square


Consistent fonts are key to maintaining the CTC Plastics brand. Please use the fonts provided below.


Karla Bold is the primary headline font for most CTC Plastics instances.


Inter is the body copy (or non-headline) font for all CTC Plastics instances.


Our colors are what ties our brand together. Please refer to the colors below when using our brand assets.

Primary Green

Hex: #00A850

CMYK: C 66% M 0% Y 35% K 34%

This green should be used most often with other CTC Plastics assets.

Accent Green

Hex: #91F186

CMYK: C 38% M 0% Y 42% K 5%

This green should be used in tandem with our primary green, or when our primary green is not legible and/or does not work with other design elements.

Dark Gray

Hex: #222222

CMYK: C 0% M 0% Y 0% K 87%

Dark gray should be used for all headlines and body copy on light-colored backgrounds.

Light Gray

Hex: #F8F8F8

CMYK: C 0% M 0% Y 0% K 3%

Light gray should be used sparingly to break up white space or alternating sections.

Blue (Accent)

Hex: #458BCA

CMYK: C 52% M 25% Y 0% K 21%

Blue should be used sparingly in small amounts when both greens have already been utilized.

Orange (Accent)

Hex: #FBC089

CMYK: C 0% M 23% Y 45% K 2%

Like our accent blue, this orange should be used sparingly and only when both greens have been used in the same design.

Spec Sheets

We offer spec sheets for all of our products.




For any questions regarding CTC Plastic’s press kit, please contact:

Karen Pierce

Sales & Marketing Manager

[email protected]

Trademark Usage Guidelines

These guidelines explain how you must use and visually present our brand assets at all times. Your use of our brand assets indicates your acceptance of these guidelines, and you understand that your use of our brand assets in violation of these guidelines will result in automatic termination of your license and/or permission to use our brand assets.

  • Use of our brand assets must be expressly authorized in writing.
  • Your use must not mislead consumers as to our sponsorship of, affiliation with or endorsement of your company or your products or services.
  • Our brand assets are our exclusive property. All goodwill that results from your use of our brand assets will be solely to our benefit. You will not take any action that is at odds with our rights or ownership of our brand assets. Where used on a web page, our brand assets, as well as the mention of our name, should include embedded hyperlinks to our homepage:
  • Our brand assets must be used in a respectful manner. Our brand assets may not be used in a way that harms us, our products or services, or in a manner which, in our opinion, lessens or otherwise damages our reputation or the goodwill in our brand assets. In other words, please do not associate our brand assets with any illicit or illegal activities or use them in a way that is deceptive or harmful.