

Polypropylene compounds optimized for your specific application.
Pile of black plastic pellets

99% Recycled Resins Procured For You

Each of our resins are customized per batch depending on compound needs. Allow us to partner with you to customize formulas to your requirements– enhancing strength, durability, or flexibility.

Resin Capacities

CTC Plastics is a compounder of several different types of resins including automotive grade, commodity-grade, and general-purpose resins, with a compounding capacity of 100 million pounds of resin per year.

We manufacture resins using 99+% of recycled feed stream, providing a lower-cost alternative to virgin resins without sacrificing quality. No matter the requirements, we can create custom resins to meet customers’ needs. 

As a Partner of Choice, we provide a competitive advantage to customers seeking sustainable environmental solutions while adhering to the highest level of social responsibility and ethical conduct.

Small pile of resin compounding pellets

Why Choose CTC As Your Resin Supplier?


Lower Cost

Since our resins are recycled, they provide a lower cost and more sustainable option to virgin resins.


Custom Options

Our state-of-the-art facilities are capable of producing custom resins to fit your needs.


Meet Your Environmental Goals

Recycled resins emit fewer emissions than virgin resins, allowing you to reduce your carbon footprint.


High Quality

Our 99% recycled resins maintain the same, high quality of virgin resins for a fraction of the price.

Over 25 Years of Sustainable Solutions

With over 100 million pounds recycled annually, CTC takes everyday waste and returns it back into the market, helping companies meet their sustainability goals while promoting a green environment.

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The CTC Product Line

We manufacture a full line of plastic pallets and custom resins by converting recycled plastics into new products with high-quality craftsmanship.

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